sidewalk leading to Le Fer Hall

Available to all employees of the Vigo County School Corporation, their spouse and dependents (if applicable). SMWC appreciates the work and dedication of the employees at the Vigo County School Corporation.

To show our appreciation because of your work and dedication, we would like to extend a scholarship opportunity to you, your spouse, and dependents (if applicable). Founded in 1840, SMWC is dedicated to the spirit of student-centered academics, faith, and leadership to transform our communities and the world.

Campus Program

$17,500 tuition scholarship


Must be a full-time student in a degree-seeking campus program. The student must meet the minimum requirements for admission to SMWC. This award will be reduced/replaced with other scholarship and grant offers. This award cannot be combined with other SMWC offers or replace current student award(s). Students must verify proof of employment as a Vigo County School Corporation employee (or spouse/dependent).


Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and satisfactory academic progress towards their degree to renew the award for an additional three years (total up to 8 semesters). The student must provide documentation annually to verify employment.

If the student qualifies for a higher scholarship; that award will replace the Vigo County School Corporation award (such as; 21st Century Scholars, Catholic Faith, SMTG or high academic performing student scholarship).

Woods Online Program

A $125 per credit hour discount will be applied to the cost of tuition. Not valid on programs with special billing and cannot be combined with other SMWC offers.


Must be at least a half-time student in a degree-seeking Woods Online program. The student must meet the minimum requirements for admission to SMWC. This award will be reduced/replaced with other scholarship and grant offers. This award cannot be combined with other SMWC offers and cannot be used if the student is utilizing a special tuition billing method. This award will not replace current student award(s). Student must verify proof of employment as a Vigo County employee (or spouse/dependent).


Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and satisfactory academic progress towards their degree. The student must provide documentation annually to verify employment.

*If the student qualifies for federal or state awards, those awards could reduce/replace the Vigo County School Corporation offer to avoid over-awarding.

Woods Online Program – Transition to Teaching

A 20% discount will be applied to the cost of tuition only for Transition to Teaching programs.


Must be at least a half-time student in a transition to teaching Woods Online program. The student must meet the minimum requirements for admission to SMWC. This award will be reduced/replaced with other scholarship and grant offers. This award cannot be combined with other SMWC offers and cannot be used if the student is utilizing a special tuition billing method. This award will not replace current student award(s). Student must verify proof of employment as a Vigo County employee.


Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and satisfactory academic progress towards their degree. The student must provide documentation annually to verify employment.

*If the student qualifies for federal or state awards, those awards could reduce/replace the Vigo County School Corporation offer to avoid over-awarding.

Master’s Program (MLD, MHA, MBA, MS-CMHC or MSE)

$275 per course discount (for courses 3 credit hours or more).

Dual Degree – 10% tuition discount off the 2nd degree.


Must be at least a half-time student in one of the programs listed above. The student must meet the minimum requirements for admission to the program. This award will be reduced/replaced with other scholarship and grant offers. This award cannot be combined with other SMWC offers. This award will not replace current student award(s). Student must verify proof of employment as a Vigo County School Corporation employee, or spouse (dependents are not eligible).


Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and satisfactory academic progress towards their degree. The student must provide documentation annually to verify employment.

If the student qualifies for outside awards, those awards could reduce/replace the City of Terre Haute offer to avoid over-awarding.

Ph.D. in Global Leadership

20% per course discount (for courses 3 credit hours or more).


Must be at least a half-time student in the PH.D program. The student must meet the minimum requirements for admission to the program. This award will be reduced/replaced with other scholarship and grant offers. This award cannot be combined with other SMWC offers. This award will not replace current student award(s). Student must verify proof of employment as a Vigo County School Corporation employee, or spouse (dependents are not eligible).


Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and satisfactory academic progress towards their degree. The student must provide documentation annually to verify employment.

If the student qualifies for outside awards, those awards could reduce/replace the City of Terre Haute offer to avoid over-awarding.
